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  • The athlete must start each rep with arms fully extended in a dead hang, and feet off the ground.

  • Overhand grip only.

  • The rep is credited when the athlete’s chin breaks the horizontal plane of the bar.


  • Each rep begins with the barbell in the front rack position and the bar in contact with the torso / front of shoulder.

  • Each rep is credited when the barbell is fully locked out overhead with the athlete’s arms, hips, and legs extended. The feet must be in line under the body, and the bar must be over the centre of the athlete’s body when viewed from profile. A press, push press, push jerk, or split jerk are all permitted as long as the athlete reaches the required finish position.

  • The bar does not need to come to a complete stop between each rep. But it must return to the front rack position with the bar making contact with the front of the shoulder between each rep.

  • You can drop the bar from overhead on the final rep of each set


  • Start every rep with the barbell on the ground.

  • Hands must be outside the knees. sumo deadlifts are not allowed.

  • Arms must be straight throughout. *no bouncing or touch & go! dead stop technique only.

  • The rep is credited when the hips and knees reach full extension and the head and shoulders are behind the bar.

  • Maximum pause between each rep of 5 seconds.

  • Hands must remain in contact with the bar. if they come away from the bar the rep count re-starts at 0.

  • On the last rep the bar must be lowered to the floor and not dropped from the top position.

  • Collars must be placed outside the plates

The following are allowed to be used during the strength workout:

  • Chalk (please bring your own)
  • Knee sleeves
  • Weightlifting belts

The following are NOT allowed to be used during the strength workout:

  • Lifting straps
  • Hand supports/grips or any kind of straps during the weighted pull-ups





For the 2024 season in the endurance workout please remember that both parts must be completed by the pair simultaneously but if you start on an erg you must complete the full distance on that erg and then switch to running. Therefore athlete 1 will run-row-run and athlete 2 will ski-run-bike. Once an athlete has finished the 5km on the bike or the 5km on the runner they can help their partner with the remaining distance that is left on either machine.



  • Both feet must touch the top of the box & at some point be touching the top of the box at the same time. they then must both touch the floor before moving into the next rep. There is no requirement to stand tall on top of the box


  • Both athletes chests must be on the floor at the same time before they can leave the floor to come up out of the burpee. They do not need to jump at the same time but they must sync again on the floor.

  • Arms to reach over head and hands to touch above or behind the head. must jump into a upright position with knees & hips fully extended and feet to leave the floor.

  • You may jump OR step back in the burpee


  • The rep begins with the SB held in a bear hug in front of chest, standing tall with the knees & hips extended.

  • The SB must remain above the athlete's hips throughout the duration of the rep. Hands must be around the bag and NOT cradling underneath.

  • At the bottom of the squat, the crease of the athlete’s hip must be clearly below the top of the knees.

  • The rep is credited when the athlete’s hips and knees reach full extension while the SB is in front of the chest.

  • During the rep, the bag may make contact with the athlete's thighs, but they may NOT utilise the legs to rest the bag or assist to stand. SB may NOT touch the floor at the bottom of the squat.

  • Bag to be held infront of the body above the hips.

  • Arms must not rest on the legs at the bottom of the squat.


  • You do not have to alternate shoulders.

  • Extend free arm at top of rep, and show control at the top.

  • Knees, hips fully extended, and in line with shoulders at the top of the rep.

  • You may drop the bag between reps or touch and go. Bag must make contact with the floor for touch and go reps.


  • The dumbbell must be at the shoulder with the hand below the ears to begin the shoulder-to-overhead.

  • A press, push press, push jerk, or split jerk are all permitted as long as the finish position is achieved.

  • Athletes do not have to alternate arms and do not have to lift with the same arm as their partner.

  • The rep is credited when the dumbbell is locked out overhead.

  • The athlete’s arms, hips, and legs must be fully extended before they lower the dumbbell.

  • The centre of the dumbbell must be over or slightly behind the centre of the athlete’s body (viewed in profile), with the feet in line

  • Athletes must be synchronised at the top of the lift only.

  • The dumbbells must be placed on the floor once reps completed. Dumbbells dropped will result in a no rep being given.


  • The dumbbell snatch starts with both heads of the dumbbell on the ground.

  • The athlete must lift the dumbbell overhead in one motion. A clean and jerk is not allowed.

  • Touch-and-go reps are permitted. Bouncing the dumbbell is not allowed.

  • The non-lifting hand or arm may NOT make contact with the legs or other parts of the body during the repetition.

  • The rep is credited when: - the arm, hips, and knees are fully extended; and - the dumbbell is clearly over the middle of the athlete’s body when viewed from profile.

  • The athlete may choose to do a split snatch. However, both feet must return in line under the athlete’s body while the dumbbell is locked out overhead for the repetition to count.

  • Athletes do not have to alternate arms and do not have to lift with the same arm as their partner.

  • Athletes must be synchronised at the top of the lift only.

  • One head of the dumbbell must touch the floor at the bottom of the start of each rep.

  • The dumbbells must be placed on the floor once reps completed. Dumbbells dropped will result in a no rep being given.

Where ‘synchro’ isn’t specified pairs can share the required reps as they like with only one athlete working at a time.

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